Monday, April 18, 2011

Prince William and Kate Middleton give approval to royal wedding app

PRINCE William and Kate Middleton have given royal approval to an app about their wedding.
Millions will be able to download Abbey 3D, launched on the royal wedding website today.
The £2.99 app has stunning 3D images and opens at Westminster Abbey’s Great West Door at the spot where Kate will enter the building on the arm of her dad Michael at 11am on April 29.
Mobile phone users can wander through the 1,000-year-old church, even seeing places that will be off-limits to cameras on the wedding day – such as the chapel of Edward the Confessor where Kate and William will sign the register.
And as the big day approaches users will also get access to fresh information on behind-the-scenes abbey preparations.
It also has a gallery of previous royal weddings in the abbey and biographies of people involved with the service. The hi-tech app brings the church and the Royal Family bang up to date with the latest gadgets, following their introduction to Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube.
The Very Rev Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster, who will conduct the wedding service said: “William Caxton set up the first printing press in England on the Abbey’s doorstep in 1476 so it seems very apt in our fast moving world of communications that we are releasing Abbey 3D for the first royal wedding of the 21st century.”
More than a third of the app’s profits will go to 26 charities close to the couple’s hearts, including Beatbullying, the Army Widows Association and Earthwatch.

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