Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Justin Bieber Says Besieged By Paparazzi In Israel

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Can a teen idol get a break from the paparazzi when he visits holy sites?
Evidently not, as Justin Bieber is finding out on his visit to Israel, where he is scheduled to play a concert in Tel Aviv on Thursday.
The Canadian pop star sent out a series of angry Twitter messages on Tuesday, complaining that aggressive photographers had forced him to spend the rest of his trip holed up in his hotel room.
"You would think paparazzi would have some respect in holy places," wrote 17 year-old Bieber, who is a practicing Christian. "All I wanted was the chance to walk where jesus did here in isreal (sic)."

"They should be ashamed of themselves. Take pictures of me eating but not in a place of prayer, ridiculous ... People wait their whole lives for opportunities like this, why would they want to take that experience away from someone ... Staying in the hotel for the rest of the week u happy?"
 Bieber was scheduled to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and tour the Dead Sea, Masada and Caesarea.
After his concert at Hayarkon Park in the bustling city, he will likely face another round of paparazzi when he begins an Asian-Pacific swing in Malaysia on April 21.

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