Monday, May 23, 2011

Remember That $25 Million Dollar Reward That Was Offered For The Capture Of Osama Bin Laden????

Well word on the curb is nobody will be receiving the 25 milli that was promised because according to the U.S. officials the raid that killed Bin Laden was the result of electronic intelligence, not human informants.

“The reason is simple, say officials involved in or knowledgeable about the hunt for the world’s most wanted man: the CIA and the military never had an al Qaeda operative as an informer willing to give him up. Instead, what killed bin Laden was electronic surveillance, and an operational mistake by one of his closest associates. After a slow drip of intelligence year after year, and then a final flurry of data collection and analysis brought a team of SEALs to bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound on a moonless night.”

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